7 Tips For Carrying Your CCW More Consistently

Everyone has their own reasons for choosing to conceal carry. Personal protection, exercising your Second Amendment rights, and defending your family are all great motivations for arming yourself.
But concealed carry is only an effective method of self-defense if you actually carry your firearm with you, which is easier said than done if you’re not in the habit of doing so.
Luckily, there are steps you can take to start carrying on a daily basis, no matter what is holding you back. Investing in better gear, getting some additional training, setting reminders, and joining a community of like-minded people can all help you start carrying your CCW more consistently.
In this article, we’ll cover seven effective ways to help turn your “once-in-a-while carry” into “everyday carry.” Let’s get into it.
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Upgrade Your Gear
We often hear people say the reason they leave their firearm at home is that it’s either uncomfortable to carry or difficult to conceal. Luckily, this problem can usually be solved by upgrading your carry gear.
Using the right holster makes a drastic difference in your concealed carry experience. There’s nothing like an uncomfortable, poorly-made holster to make you dread strapping that pistol on!
Finding the right holster for your body type, carry position, lifestyle, and preference can go a long way in encouraging you to carry more consistently. If you’re struggling to find one that fits your needs, look for an adjustable holster like the Vedder Holsters LightTuck®, which features adjustable retention, ride height, and up to 30 degrees of adjustable forward and reverse cant, so you can find that “sweet spot” for comfort and concealment.
A gun belt is another essential piece of a concealed carry system. Designed to offer more support than your average belt, these articles keep your gun and holster in place throughout the day and can make your entire setup more comfortable to carry and easier to conceal. Check out our collection of nylon tactical belts and dual-layered leather concealed carry belts here!
Finally, it’s important to note that not all carry gear is created equal. Like a good pair of shoes, you’ll want to invest in a quality holster that doesn’t skimp on important features like a fully covered trigger guard, durable steel clips, and adjustability. At Vedder Holsters, we handcraft each of our holsters to order to ensure the highest quality and a perfect fit to your specific gun model, every time. If you need to upgrade your carry setup, check out our collection of IWB, OWB, and pocket carry holsters!
Brush Up On Your Local Laws
Sometimes the reason people don’t conceal carry is because they don’t feel confident in their knowledge of the rules. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – if you’re not sure what the concealed carry laws are in your state and city, then you should hold off on doing so until you’re up to speed.
That being said, if this sounds like you, then it’s time to brush up on your knowledge of your local regulations!
Taking a class and obtaining your CCW permit is an excellent way to learn about the laws where you live and increase your confidence – even if you live in a constitutional carry state where a license isn’t required, it’s still recommended for this reason!
If you already have your CCL but still have questions, you can always take another class, buy a book on the subject, or visit your state’s Department of Public Safety for more information on what’s allowed/restricted in your area.
Once you feel certain about your rights and the regulations where you live, you’ll know how and where you can legally carry and will likely find yourself feeling far more comfortable with the idea of taking your gun more places.
Revamp Your Wardrobe
One of the biggest excuses people use for not carrying every day is that they can’t conceal their weapon under most of their clothing. If that sounds like you, then maybe it’s time to give your closet an overhaul.
The best way to determine whether or not a certain article of clothing will successfully conceal your firearm is to take your carry system shopping. Wear your gun and holster and try on different outfits in the dressing room to see if you’ll print while wearing it, and prioritize buying clothing that works for concealed carry.
Don’t forget to invest in a quality gun belt as part of your concealed carry wardrobe. These belts are stiffer and more durable than regular belts, and can better support your carry setup. Not only is this safer and more comfortable, but it can make it easier to conceal your weapon as well.
Once your closet is concealed carry-friendly, you’ll find yourself out of excuses to leave your gun at home!
Get More Training
Sometimes failure to consistently carry your CCW simply comes down to a lack of confidence in your firearm handling abilities.
If you’re still feeling uncomfortable with the idea of drawing and firing your weapon, or feel unsafe carrying it in public, there’s a good chance you just need more practice. Make it a point to visit the range at least once a month, or sign up for a class to help sharpen your skills.
In between these more formal training sessions, you can begin a dry fire training regime at home to really fine-tune your abilities. You can learn all about the various dry fire training systems, drills, and techniques in our article “Beginner’s Guide to Dry Fire Training at Home”.
At the end of the day, practice makes perfect. So get out there and train until you feel confident enough to carry on a daily basis!
Set a Reminder
If you’re simply forgetting to strap on your CCW every morning, then you’re in luck. This is an easy problem to solve!
Try setting an alarm for 15 minutes before you plan to leave your house reminding you to grab your gun. Or, place your holster in an obvious place where you can’t miss it. If you always wear a belt, leave your gun belt on top of all the others and put on your holster as soon as you buckle up.
You can even ask your significant other for help remembering to grab your pistol and act as accountability partners if you both carry. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself that your firearm should be on you when you leave the house, do it. No more excuses!
Get Into a Safety Mindset
It’s no secret that the things we set our minds on are often at the forefront of our priorities. So, if you’re hoping to carry more often, you’ll need to get into a safety mindset.
This can be as simple as having more conversations about self-defense with the people in your life, or following shooting and concealed carry influencers on social media. Not only will this consistently remind you about concealed carry, but you may even pick up a training technique or two! For content on all things concealed carry and self-defense, you can check out the Vedder Holsters blog and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
Making the conscious decision to practice your situational awareness while out in public can be another great way to get in the habit. Check out our article on situational awareness here for some tips on how to fine-tune these important skills.
Find a Community
Like with anything else, finding a community of like-minded people goes a long way in helping you build the habits and lifestyle you want for yourself.
Having a group of people you know you can discuss firearms and concealed carry with, and maybe even train with, will help motivate you to do so more consistently. This is especially true if most of your current friends and family do not share your interest – which can definitely be discouraging.
If you’re looking for a place to connect with other concealed carry enthusiasts, you may want to check out our Vedder Holsters Facebook groups. Vedder Nation and Women of Vedder are communities of like-minded individuals dedicated to taking their safety into their own hands. It’s a great place to learn more about firearms and concealed carry, and even to connect with other shooters in your area!
Your local shooting range is another great place to meet others in the gun community. Many of these facilities offer classes and other events, which are all great ways to get connected.
Like anything else, concealed carry is a habit that takes time to build. If you’re struggling to carry every day, the above tips and tricks can help you take the steps you need to carry regularly.
Investing in a quality concealed carry holster is one of the most effective ways to help you start carrying consistently. If you’re looking for a new IWB, OWB, or pocket carry holster, visit our Holsters by Gun Model page for Kydex holsters that are custom-made for your weapon of choice.
Interested in items beyond holsters? Check out our Resources Page for links to recommended products like lights, lasers, first aid, maintenance, and more, and browse our selection of apparel, and accessories at our website, vedderholsters.com.
To stay up-to-date on all the latest Vedder Holsters content and offerings, check out our blog and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. And be sure to visit our sister company, GeoGrit, for all your American-made minimalist wallet needs.