Cant Go Wrong: What Is Holster Cant and Why Is It Important?

Whether you’re new to concealed carry or are exploring different options, you’ve probably seen your share of holsters with different cant styles. But what is a canted holster, and how do you know which kind you need?
Holster cant refers to the angle at which your holster sits on your hip. Holsters can be canted forward or reverse and come in different angles and styles, making your gun easier to conceal and faster to draw. The right cant angle for you comes down to your style of carry and what you find most comfortable.
This article will explore what cant is, the different holster cant angles available, common terminology, and how to determine what will work best for you. So keep scrolling, we “cant” wait to get into it!
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What is Holster Cant?
If you’ve ever carried a gun, you already understand the importance of adjustability on a holster. Retention, ride height, and cant, they’re all critical when it comes to the safety, comfort, and usability of a holster.
Holster cantis simply the angle that your holster sits at. The direction your holster is tilted in dictates the angle of your firearm’s grip, which impacts draw speed, comfort, and concealability.
The best angle to carry your holster depends on a variety of factors, including your carry position, gun size, body type, and personal preference. Basically, it all comes down to what you find most comfortable, and what works best for you.
Before you can determine the best holster cant anglefor you, you’ll need to know the different cant angles available, and the difference between forward and reverse cant.
Forward vs Reverse Cant: The difference between forward and reverse cant, or positive vs negative cant, is simple. “Positive” cant means the holster is tiled forward with the grip of your gun pointing away from your hip/pelvis, while “reverse” cant is the opposite – the gun is angled backward with the grip of your gun pointing toward your pelvis.
A positive or forward cant holster typically works best when carrying on your strong side, usually in the 4 o’clock or kidney positions, while negative/reverse cant is more commonly used in cross-draw or appendix carry.
Most holsters with adjustable cant can be tilted in either direction, though not all are designed that way. Now, let’s talk about cant angles.
Neutral Cant: Neutral cant, otherwise known as zero cant or vertical cant, means that the holster has no tilt to it whatsoever – it’s straight up and down.
This cant angle is most often used in open carry in the 3 o’clock position, where your gun is in line with your arm. This cant angle isn’t necessarily recommended for concealed carry, as you’re more likely to experience printing with the grip of your gun sticking out from your body.
If you’re interested in carrying a holster with a neutral cant, or one that can be adjusted vertically, you may want to check out the Vedder Holsters LightDraw™ and ProDraw™ OWB holsters. If you prefer IWB with a zero cant option, the LightTuck™, RapidTuck™, or SideTuck might be for you.
FBI Cant: The FBI cant angle is popular among both law enforcement and civilian shooters. FBI cant holsters are tilted slightly forward between 10-20 degrees and are usually carried in the 3-5 o’clock positions.
This cant angle works particularly well for those who sit a lot throughout the day. It’s also common among people who conceal OWB, as the angle naturally draws the grip of your gun closer to your body.
At Vedder Holsters, we offer several fixed FBI cant holsters, including the ProTuck, Quick Draw, and ComfortTuck™. If you’re looking for adjustable FBI cant holsters, the ProDraw™ has a 15-degree holster cantwhile the LightDraw™ is adjustable up to 10 degrees in both directions.
To learn more about the ins and outs of FBI cant, check out our article here.
30 Degrees: While the majority of concealed carry holsters on the market are only adjustable up to 15 degrees, the highest level of adjustability is 30 degrees of forward and reverse cant.
The benefit of a holster with such drastic adjustability is that you can carry it in absolutely any position. Since you can change the cant from zero to 30, you’re guaranteed to find that “sweet spot” for comfort and concealment, no matter how you like to carry.
If you’re looking for an adjustable cant holster that can do it all, we do offer two 30-degree cant holsteroptions. Both the LightTuck™ and RapidTuck™ IWB holsters can be adjusted up to 30 degrees in both directions, allowing you to carry at whatever cant angle you desire.
What is the Benefit of a Canted Holster?
Beyond the fact that we all like having the option to customize our carry setup, there are several practical benefits to using a canted holster.
Faster Draw Speed: One of the primary benefits of carrying a canted holster is that it’s easier to draw your gun when the grip is at an angle. If you’ve ever tried drawing from a zero cant position, you know how awkward it can be to get your wrist in that position.
With a canted holster, you can tilt the grip of your gun so that it lines up with where your arm and hand naturally reach. This is not only easier to draw from, but it also makes for a faster and smoother draw as well.
Increased Safety: Cant not only makes it easier and faster to draw, but also safer. When you can draw your weapon with ease, you reduce the risk of accidental discharge since it’s easier to get a proper grip. If your cant angle is off, and you have to turn your wrist to draw, your weapon will be much harder to control.
More Comfortable: Carrying your gun at an angle is often more comfortable than at zero cant. Cant allows you to angle the pistol in a way that won’t dig into your body while you’re sitting, walking, or whatever else you do throughout the day. It also makes it easier to position your gun in a way that works with your body type.
Easier to Conceal: The angle of your pistol not only makes it more comfortable to carry, but also easier to conceal. When the grip of your gun is sticking out away from your body, you’re likely to experience printing – where the outline of your gun is visible through your clothing.
Holster cant allows you to position your weapon so that it will not show through your clothing, making what you wear far more flexible. It’s this adjustability that allows you to carry under tighter-fitting clothing, as you can more easily position your gun in a way that fits into your natural curves.
Holster Cant Chart
Holster cant is simply the angle at which a holster sits on your hip. The angle of your holster can help make it easier to conceal or draw your weapon and makes for a more comfortable experience.
Thebest holster cant angle to use depends on the gun you carry, the position you carry in, and what feels most comfortable for you.
If you’re looking for a new IWB, OWB, or pocket carry holster with fixed or adjustable cant, visit our Holsters by Gun Model page for Kydex holsters that are custom-made for your weapon of choice.
Interested in items beyond holsters? Check out our Resources Page for links to recommended products like lights, lasers, first aid, maintenance, and more, and browse our selection of belts, apparel, and accessories at our website,
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