Women of Vedder: Making a Community Through Concealed Carry

Vedder Holsters was founded on the belief that quality concealed carry resources should be accessible to everyone who wants to exercise their right to carry.
And now, we’re excited to introduce Women of Vedder – a community designed for women interested in firearms and self-defense.
Women of Vedder is a space to discuss concealed carry, ask questions, enjoy educational content, and access exclusive promotions and giveaways. But more than that, it’s a supportive group of women dedicated to taking their personal protection into their own hands, and helping each other along the way.
The women-only Facebook group launches on Mother’s Day, May 14, 2023. We hope you’ll join us in uniting women in the gun community and encouraging shooters of every experience level on their journey of self-defense.
Closing the Gap: The Rise of The Female Gun Owner
For a long time, women were a quiet minority in the firearms community – but that’s no longer the case.
Over the past several years, the number of women who own and carry guns has dramatically increased. We’re now the fastest-growing demographic in the industry, and about half of all new gun owners in 2021 were women.
And there are some very compelling reasons as to why.
According to a 2021 A Girl & A Gun survey, many women cited civil unrest, political concerns, the pandemic, rising crime rates, resource shortages, and personal experiences as the reason they decided to purchase a gun and seek training.
At the end of the day, many women simply want to be prepared to protect themselves and their families in a volatile world. And others just enjoy shooting!
Even though the number of women who carry is on the rise, the industry as a whole hasn’t caught up yet. Women are looking for information, resources, and quality gear that fits their lifestyle, and that’s where WOV comes in.
The Mission Behind ‘Women of Vedder’: Brooke’s Story
It’s no secret that women have unique experiences when it comes to using and carrying firearms.
What works for men doesn’t always work for women – we’re built differently, have different preferences, and often carry for different reasons – and it can be hard to find the solutions we’re looking for.
That’s exactly why we decided to start Women of Vedder, to create a space where women can feel comfortable discussing and learning about concealed carry concepts specific to the female experience, without fear of judgment.
Every woman has a story to tell. Most of us can remember the exact moment and reason we decided to arm ourselves, and many can relate to the feeling of trying to learn and be included in what can be an intimidating culture.
When Vedder Holsters Co-Founder Brooke Vedder started carrying, she recalls the way it felt to look for answers online, only to face judgment as a beginner. Her relatable and all-too-common story is what inspired the concept behind Women of Vedder, and its open and supportive structure.
Here is her story:
“I was raised in a family that had strong Second Amendment beliefs. My dad immigrated to the United States when he was a child, so he always valued the rights we have as Americans. Safety was a big priority in my childhood, and we were raised to keep ourselves secure and take care of each other. As big as we were into safety, we didn’t train a lot growing up, so my comfort level wasn’t as high as I would have liked it to be surrounding firearms.
“When Mike and I started Vedder Holsters, my gun knowledge was mediocre at best. My primary role in the company is accounting and systems related, and I wasn’t very involved in the firearms aspect of the business at first.
“When I started having kids, my perspective changed. I had more to consider than just myself. It was at that time that I began to carry more than I ever had in the past.
“I began looking for information because I knew that I wanted to give myself the absolute best chance at defending myself if I was ever faced with a life-threatening situation.
“I started by looking online casually, and I couldn’t find a place where I could go to get the answers I needed without also receiving a lot of judgment for not already knowing. It was intimidating to ask the questions I needed to feel comfortable making the choices that needed to be made as far as what my carry gun would be and getting comfortable using it.
“This was a problem, because that information is so important to have in order to safely carry and feel comfortable doing so.
“I was in a unique situation because at Vedder Holsters I was surrounded by very knowledgeable people who were happy to train me until I was completely comfortable carrying. I did think, however, that many women may be in the same situation that I was and not have a good place to go for information and to ask questions.
“Experiences like that are what led us to create a space where women could come and ask questions, find information, and learn about concealed carry. So that if they choose to carry, they can do so safely and feel more comfortable and confident the next time they go to their local gun shop or range.”
By Women, For Women: About WOV
Whether you’re a professional shooter or just beginning your journey, you need a community of like-minded women who have your back.
The Women of Vedder Facebook group was specifically designed to offer support, resources, and education for women in the gun community. Our hope is that members will encourage one another by asking questions, offering tips and tricks, and showing off their skills.
WOV is run entirely by the women of Vedder Holsters, for the women who love Vedder Holsters (or will love us!). Our personal experiences are what drove us to create a group like this, and we hope you’ll be inspired to share your own stories as well.
We have a lot of big things planned for Women of Vedder, and we hope you’ll join us along the way! In addition to being part of a greater, like-minded community, you’ll also have access to exclusive content from our team and a variety of experts in the industry.
Group members will have the opportunity to give input on future Vedder Holsters products from time to time, as well as request articles and videos covering specific topics – because we want to provide the content you actually want.
We’ll also be hosting exciting events, giveaways, and promotions that will only be available to members of our group. So, stay tuned and be sure to share with all your gun-toting friends so they don’t miss out!
To join Women of Vedder, visit our Facebook group here. Keep reading to learn more about the story behind Women of Vedder, and why we feel it’s so important to have a space dedicated to women in this market.
We’ll see you there!