How to Aim a Glock

Whether you’re new to the world of firearms, or just new to Glocks, you’re probably looking for some tips and tricks for shooting your pistol.
Everything from grip to stance to understanding your firearm’s sights can help you learn how to aim a Glock. Once you have the basics down, you should have no trouble accurately shooting your gun.
Keep reading to learn more about how to properly hold, aim, and shoot a Glock.
How to Use Glock Sights
If you have ever shot a gun in the past, we have great news for you! The way you use Glock sights is essentially the same as most other firearms with iron sights. Adjusting how you use them, among other things, is the key to hitting your target dead on.
But before we get too much into using sights, let’s talk about the structure of standard sights on a Glock.
Depending on which Glock model you purchase, your pistol will be complete with one of three factory sights. More than likely, you will be using either their fixed polymer sights or adjustable polymer sights. The third one you might come across is the Glock steel night sights, which are great for low-light conditions.
This image shows how your sight alignment should appear when you line your sights up with a target. The alignment should be the same whether you are using a Glock or other iron sights. You can read more about sight picture on GoHunt’s website.
If you are committed to your Glock pistol, you will likely want to eventually replace its factory sites with something a little fancier. We don’t recommend doing this on your own; a gunsmith will have the proper tools and can help advise you on which sights you might want to go with.
Ultimately, Glock’s standard sights are a great tool to help you aim your gun, especially in a self-defense situation.
Now that we have talked about sights let’s move on to holding a Glock and how that can impact your aim and shooting abilities.
How to Hold a Handgun
While not every gun will be held exactly the same, we’ll cover the basics here. Holding a handgun properly will play a significant role in understanding how to aim a Glock.
Try to forget everything you’ve seen in movies about how to hold a handgun because they were probably doing it wrong. Here’s a breakdown of the proper way to hold a Glock:
- Use your dominant hand to form a V-shape between your thumb and forefinger and grip the backstrap of your gun.
- Rest the pointer finger of your dominant hand on the side of the pistol outside of the trigger guard. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
- With your other hand, wrap your fingers over the top of your dominant hand around the grip and point your thumb forward on the same side as your dominant thumb.
- Your non-dominant hand is going to be your supporting hand. While this may feel a bit weird at first, it should not feel uncomfortable.
When gripping a gun, use the 70/30 rule. Your support hand should be doing 70% of the squeezing and your dominant hand covers the other 30%, allowing your dominant hand to focus on trigger control.
There is a lot to know about firearm safety and how to shoot a pistol properly. For that reason, we strongly suggest taking a gun safety course if you’re new to the shooting world.
How to Correct Shooting Left With a Glock
Whether you are new to firing a handgun or are struggling to adjust for accuracy when firing a Glock, you’ve come to the right place. The key to improving your accuracy is first to diagnose your shots.
Do you find yourself shooting low left with Glock pistols (or low right for lefties)? If so, you’re not alone. Shooting low left accounts for the majority of accuracy issues when shooting a firearm. Let’s break down the most common reasons people shoot low left and how to correct it.
Starting with the most common, of course, is trigger control. One of the best Glock accuracy tips is to ensure that you are not mashing the trigger or rushing to take the shot when firing. Breathe through the shot, have a clear sight picture, and work on a smooth, straight trigger press.
Make sure you are not squeezing your whole hand while pulling the trigger. Your trigger finger should move independently. Having a proper grip can help you move just your trigger finger. Rather than having a tight grip on the gun with your dominant hand, use your support hand more and let your dominant hand focus on the trigger pull.
Another common reason you could be shooting low left with a Glock is recoil anticipation. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. You’re not alone. It’s a natural reaction to want to flinch when something explodes in front of you. That slight motion, unfortunately, results in your muzzle shifting off target.
The good news for you is all of these things can be mitigated and corrected with practice.
The best way to practice this is by visiting the range and using dummy rounds. Dry firing doesn’t have the same “bang” as a live round and therefore isn’t as effective. Using a dummy round feels similar to a live round and can be more effective in practicing your shooting if you don't want to fire live rounds at the range.
Shooting Techniques
Now, before you think you are going to be a pro and head to the range to put your newfound knowledge to the test, here are a few more techniques to try when learning how to shoot a Glock.
Keep in mind that becoming a good marksman takes time, practice, and patience. We mentioned using dummy rounds over dry firing for improving accuracy specifically, but dry firing is still a great way to practice and is both safe and practical. Always be mindful of your breathing. This may seem minute, but it’s a key aspect of trigger control.
Make sure to have a strong shooting stance; your feet should be shoulder-width apart with both hands on your Glock and a slight bend in your knees with your eyes forward. Awareness of these things can be pivotal in knowing how to adjust your grip or sight picture to improve your accuracy.
What Do I Do Now?
Now that you have read our tips and tricks for how to aim a Glock, it’s time to head to the range and practice. If you are still struggling with how to shoot a Glock, or any other handgun for that matter, speak with a local trainer or another expert for more specific guidance.
Check out our Range Guide before putting your skills to the test, so you have everything you need for a successful range day.
If you’re looking for belts or holsters for your Glock model, we recommend visiting our Holsters by Gun Model page. For all our belt and holster options and for more information to help you choose the carry system that works best for you, visit our Vedder Holsters website.
Looking for items beyond holsters and belts? Check out our Resources Page for popular product links like lights, lasers, first aid, maintenance, and more.